St Marys DA14 Expert After Builders Cleaning Company

If you want a expert residential and commercial after builders cleaning service to make your renovated office or home safe for living after a serious renovation or refurbishment jobs, then call Property Ultra Care. Since 2005, the professional after builders cleaning company has been serving home and commercial based customers in St Marys DA14 and the area. The professional after builders cleaners will remove all after builders debris and rubbish, clean all dust, residue and leftover splashes and spots from the work done.

Pro Post-Renovation Cleaning Services St Marys DA14

Comprehensive after builders cleaning in St Marys DA14 and you`ll additionally receive:

  • Professional industrial equipment and detergents
  • Understanding and 24/7 customer support services
  • Jobs of all sizes handled upon request
  • Flexible hours, seven days a week

Home & Office After Builders Cleans St Marys DA14

Cleaning service after builders St Marys DA14 - cheap and fast! What a customer usually wants, when ordering after builders cleaning service in St Marys DA14 is of course, to see results as soon as possible. It`s normal. You are too tired of working on the construction project and too sick and tired of waiting for the final outcome. Be sure that the talented and experienced after builders cleaners will handle the whole job at a quite fast speed without leaving a any grime or feather. This purge is a detailed sanitizing job, because after builders cleaning in St Marys DA14 is recommended as health protection measure, too:

  • All furniture, picture frames dusted - mirrors and glass tables cleaned
  • Fingerprints cleaned from door frames or light switches
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped, light switches cleaned, windows sills wiped down
  • Shower recess scrubbed, bath cleaned, rinsed and left shining
  • Cobwebs removed, blinds cleaned on request, wall marks cleaned on request
  • Tiles & fittings cleaned & left shining, waste bin left shining and cleaned

Do not hesitate to name the after builders cleaners your personal instruction or leave them a checklist with additional chores or requirements.

Home & Office Construction Clean-Up St Marys DA14

This service is totally personalized and made to fit to your standards and needs. We will clean no matter what you specify needs to be cleaned, with proof of results either by photo or with your personal inspection if that is possible. Our team has the capability to completely clean your office or home, from the bathroom to the kitchen, hallway, bedroom and even the craziest of stairwells. The service also includes specific treatments for specific parts of your office or home, like steam cleaning for the removal of paint from windows, upholstery, fixtures carpets, rugs and any other surface. There is also wall washing, pressure washing, hard floor cleaning and wood floor polishing. We can also provide upholstery and carpet cleaning (minimum fees apply), drive cleaning and patio, rubbish removal and even night cleaning if your needs demand it.

Professional Post Builders Cleaning Services St Marys DA14

After builders cleaning St Marys DA14The professional after building cleaning company offers both domestic and commercial after builders cleaning services. The cleaning services are performed by trained and fully vetted and insured cleaners, and are hourly based. Customers can choose to book a one off builders cleaning which includes a full deep post builders cleaning of the renovated or refurbished premises. This service also known as contract construction clean-up involves cleaning after builders who have done a renovation job in your house or office usually involves deep cleaning of the floors to remove all cement dust, building residue of all kinds. The professional cleaners will also dust off all surfaces. The deep cleaning methods used can include: high wall washing, jet washing, and deep cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom. All of this is preceded by after builders rubbish removal service.

Call Property Ultra Care After Builders and Get Good Prices!

To book use the booking form or call 020 3746 3071. You can even contact us on our website by using the live chat feature. We also have an email address where you can forwards details about the size of your home and your requirements on what needs to be cleaned and dusted. All of the equipment and supplies we use are family and pet friendly, with high biodegradability and no toxic contents. We are even capable of removing some of the rubbish in your home, though you’ll need to consult our team about that when calling to book.

You can book our services in all of the following London areas: